No Longer Separated

In the wilderness of life

we set out together

holding onto our crude beliefs of diverse regions

until somehow we got here to a scourge ravaging the world —

A curse we know nothing about but dine,

walloped into the fierceness of broken strings

The melody halted

The strings are on fire

The dance stops being usual

in a country I once knew,

in the name of the scourge


Our voice is one;

the scourge must go.

We have become brothers,

no longer separated by

cultural boundaries.

Could this be the essence

of creation?




Kolade Abiodun is a Nigerian poet, writer, literary analyst, and lecturer in English. He writes and manages Dayspring Pass Academy and Babskay tutorials. He is on Twitter @kolade73838839

Image credit: Alaine S. / Unsplash 


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