Three Poems by Halimah Adisa


On This Account, I Rained 

These woods are decaying like age,

I can’t sit on them properly like I used to when I was a little child.

And there's just one thing I want:

Sit by the sea side to feel the breeze which binds the world as I await roses before me.

But not all girls will get them, so I made my heart on roses that couldn't be thorn.

"You can't get them while you sit by the sea side maybe after you are dead," 

Inn said, on the terrain where I rain.


Morning: A New Day

A bright day —

a fortune for living

the fulfilled life you ever wanted. 

Life full of instances,

so, you lived.



This rhythm 

rip through my ears as I 

breathe and sigh to the words which made me.

I live through the moments,

so, I triumph. 


Halimah Adisa is a student of the University of Ilorin. She's interested mainly in art and other things that speak of art. Halimah does not only write poems but short stories and satire. She was shortlisted for the 2020 Prize for Satire, Punocracy. 


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