Three Poems by Hiram Larew


Dint Of

What comes of waiting for

or holding on

Or of if and when 

or chances paused and wished for

What comes true from shys away 

and mumbled tries or overdue

What comes about while counting down

or passing through

And what comes in 

with coulds or mights

Yes what happens without dint of

And after all of these

At last

What comes with dawns of never finds --

the loving shoes 

that socks search and pray for

To the Limit

Someone asks what I would fight for …

Well I’d fight for the moon in a heartbeat --

To defend its halo of wisdom

Its cloud cover of guess

Its wish to and its merely 

I’d march for its glowing

And I’d defend the moon with longings 

With anything I could muster 

No limits --

To keep it up over

In harvests or phases 

Even for no one

Then if allowed to

I’d rejoice its quiet apart from 

That always wins me --

How the moon is up there and gathered around --

For as long as what matters  

Lets me


The idea that we’ll stay the same

While it’s snowing out

is akin

To all we learned from the sounds of magic

in the row of beans out back

this past summer 

Especially if a creek is hiding anywhere 

close by 

In fact

No matter the cause

or substance

There is a mystery with how such notions 

at windows 

Can make who and why by goodness

fall in love together

Listen to Hiram reading an audio recording of these poems:  Stream Hiram Larew Reads Three Poems by Hiram Larew | Listen online for free on SoundCloud 


Hiram Larew's poetry appears widely.  His latest collection, Patchy Ways, was published by CyberWit Press in 2023.  And as Founder of Poetry X Hunger, he's bringing a world of poets to the anti-hunger cause.  www.HiramLarewPoetry and

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  1. My thanks to the Editors of WriteNowLit for this presentation. Hiram


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